How To Plan A Budget Tanzania Camping Safari?
A camping tour in Tanzania is the cheapest way to visit all the great national parks in the country. You will get close to the various wild animals as you photograph them. It is also a good opportunity for game viewers and those people who enjoy camping and outdoor activities to relax. However going on a Tanzania camping safari doesn’t come cheap. Some of the more luxurious safari trips can easily cost $1,000-2,000 per person, per night! Don’t let those numbers scare you. You can easily plan a safari—for about one-tenth the cost—using these 4 budget-friendly strategies. Check the entrance fares: There’re several reasons why doing a camping safari racks up considerable costs. Most wildlife parks & preserves in Tanzania are well-protected, and they usually charge fees of $50 to $200 per person per day to get in. Though not all, many parks also need a licensed guide to accompany travelers. These limitations aid to sustain both the ecosystem & creatures inside ...